Located on Highway 71 just 3 miles north of I-80.
Good location for Interstate access. County incentive programs are available and the City of Brayton will aggressively help assist business startups or expansions.
Cally Christensen, MayorTanya Marshall, CouncilDavid L. Hansen, CouncilSteve Sykes, CouncilSteven Fister, Council
City Clerk - Brooke Hansen202 County T Road, Box 104Brayton, IA 50042-0009Phone # 712-549-2268Fax 712 549 2266Email: brayton@metc.net
Audubon County Economic Development
Audubon County Cemetery Information
EXIRA/ELK HORN - KIMBALLTON SCHOOLS105 East School StreetExira, Iowa 50076Phone 712-268-5318dschnoes@exira-ehk.k12.ia.uswww.exira-ehk.k12.ia.us
IOWA WESTERN COMMUNITY COLLEGE705 Walnut StreetAtlantic, Iowa 50022Phone 712-243-5527www.iwcc.edu
DES MOINES AREA COMUNITY COLLEGE906 Norht Grant RoadCarroll, Iowa 51401Phone 712-792-1755www.dmacc.edu/carroll